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DUP Club News

We'll be working on a Privacy Policy for this site so that states any information you submit to us will be used solely for this site. We do not need it for anything else and hate Spam, too. For that matter, both types of spam! Look for it soon!

Well, it has been quite a while since I've been able to get to this site. I am still working on it, so check back in a few months! If you'd like to join this club, simply send an email to join@dupclub.com with the following information:

  1. First and Last Name
  2. City (optional)
  3. State
  4. Favorite Dr Pepper drink
  5. Number of years you've been a Dr Pepper fan!

I'm putting together a database of potential Dup Club members, and you'll be included! When this site launches, you'll be given the priority option to officially join the club!

I hope you were able to take part in the Gun N' Roses "Chinese Democracy" Dr Pepper Giveaway! Doors closed at 3pm PST this afternoon and there was so much web traffic that the DrPepper.com actually went offline at approximately 2:35pm PST for a few minutes while they transitioned to their TEXT version of the site. Even after that numerous people have reported that they were not able to access the site until after the promotion was complete. Whew! I barely made it before the site experienced it's last and major delay. Guess I'll find out in 4 to 6 weeks if I actually registered successfully! Visit http://www.drpepper.com for more information!

For more information, email

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